We are proud to announce our nominations for the Best of the Net 2019, which highlights the very best of online writing.


1. ‘Oafs and Fishes’ by Mike Hembury
As featured in the OBSESSION issue in The Wild Word (31.08.2018)

2. ‘Things to Think About’ by Robert Taylor
As featured in the HAPPY HOLIDAYS issue in The Wild Word (12.12.2018)



Mike Hembury on deadzones, drought, and the need for action now



Robert Taylor on his thoughts, conversations, and experiences as a young, black man in America


1. ‘Count Rumford’ by Steve Young
As featured in the A RICH MAN’S WORLD issue in The Wild Word (28.03.2019)

2. ‘C’est le Weekend’ by Marie Biondolillo
As featured in the HUNGER issue in The Wild Word (30.04.2019)


1. ‘Among Friends’ by V.P. Crowe
As featured in the OBSESSION issue in The Wild Word (31.08.2018)

2. ‘What Food (In)Security Sounds Like’ by Wendy DeGroat

As featured in the HUNGER issue in The Wild Word (30.04.2019)

3. ‘Even the broken things entreat’ – James Walton

As featured in the GHOST issue in The Wild Word (30.10.2019)

4. ‘Ars New Mexico’ – John Hicks

As featured in the A NEW DAWN issue in The Wild Word (30.05.2019)

5. ‘When Ry came back from therapy’ – Jay Artemis Hull

As featured in the GHOST issue in The Wild Word (30.10.2019)

6. ‘November 27th, Every Year in Which I Can Remember’ – Parker Jamieson

As featured in the HAPPY HOLIDAYS issue in The Wild Word (12.12.2018)

V.P. Crowe

V.P. Crowe

V.P. Crowe’s poems ‘Among Friends’ and ‘Balance’

James Walton

James Walton

James Walton’s poem ‘Even the Broken Things Entreat’

Wendy DeGroat

Wendy DeGroat

Wendy DeGroat’s poem ‘What Food (In) Security Sounds Like’

Parker Jamieson

Parker Jamieson

Parker Jamieson’s poems ‘November 27th, Every Year in Which I Can Remember’ and ‘At Niagara Falls in a Country that is Not My Own’

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