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A cardinal tulip too early
Scarlet like the letter
Exposed to virus
Its bell opens in a swaddling of ice
Above the crackling snow
My heart opens and falls
Petals left
In its blooming bowl
Many have found it white and clean
Colorless brilliant barren
Beauty could not breathe under its blanket
While others stoked the flames to recollect
Warm fires, I nursed only cold embers
Relinquishing the rhythm
Of sunrise and sunset
as if there were nothing to be found between
But this expanse of bitterness
Glinting on the ring fingers of trees
And scabbing over that last resolve
That never melts and never heals
An interminable scape and what is not seen
Underneath and unaware and even asleep
Like the hibernating groundhog
Dreamless in the stupor of winter
Tilting Away
The earth’s axis a 23%
Tilt toward the sun
Winter alters the angle
I want the moon to burn the night
But it only trails darker and darker.
Wounded sumac bleed the blizzard
Of its stark whiteness
Ghost trees stammer and wind themselves
Around the blooming storm
Several chickadees plump on the conifer
Outside our window.
We can hear no song
Hypothermic nightly, this impish bird
Stuffs itself with sunflower seeds
And dives into holes the size of a quarter
My heart tires to burrow in too
To wait out the storm
But still left tilting away
Mary Marie Dixon is a visual artist and poet with publications in periodicals and a collection of poetry, Eucharist, Enter the Sacred Way, Franciscan, 2008. Her focus on women’s spirituality and the mystics combined with the Great Plains and the spiritual power of nature appears in visual and poetic form.