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A City Turning Its Back
Everyone understands
this wasn’t an accident;
we knocked loudly and watched.
A city staunching a wounded rage;
the afternoons carved up,
arrive with just enough indifference.
Like a river of life abandoned and
knowing how to make the most of losing,
we watch from the other shore now
Your flames say everything.
On Broken Streets of War
shadows cross; going about their business
traveling through the madness—
a yellowing day
somewhere fear screams
somewhere blown forward into sunlight
a hospital
a school
my home
a prayer
a target
a dead fall
though someone lives
all this that was;
a stone in my pocket
I see them
the streets of the dead
slopes of wreckage
where trouble was made

Judy DeCroce is an internationally published poet, flash fiction writer, educator, and avid reader whose works have been published by Plato’s Cave online, The Poet Magazine, Amethyst Review,Tigershark Publishing, The BeZine and many others. As a professional storyteller and teacher of that genre, she also offers, workshops in flash fiction. Judy lives and works in upstate New York with her husband poet/artist, Antoni Ooto.