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Image by Jen Theodore

My mother’s ghost gestures toward the brighter-than-orange hibiscus,

its yellow center beginning to curl
in on itself inside of the plumage,
its petals reaching downward
toward the floor speed up on film
in a repeating loop, blooming
and wilting, wilting and blooming.

Anne Graue is the author of Full and Plum-Colored Velvet, (Woodley Press, 2020) and Fig Tree in Winter (Dancing Girl Press, 2017) and has poetry in SWWIM Every Day, Verse Daily, Rivet Journal, Mom Egg Review, Flint Hills Review, Feral: A Journal of Poetry and Art, and in print anthologies, including The Book of Donuts (Terrapin Books, 2017) and Coffee Poems (World Enough Writers, 2019). Her book reviews appear in FF2 Media, Adroit, Green Mountains Review, Glass Poetry Journal, and The Kenyon Review. She is a poetry editor for The Westchester Review.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    I wanted to read more, so I read it again and saw the wilting and blooming, feeling the evolution of a mother…beautiful image.


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