Xe M. Sánchez
★ ★ ★ ★

Image by Timon Studler
toos nos afuximos
dellos afuxen peles caleyes,
dellos afuxen pel aire,
dellos afuxen pela mar…
esti poema ye un naúfragu
qu’aportó a estes sableres
-a estes páxines-
dende l’Atlántida.
podía cuntate coses maravioses
del llugar d’au vieno,
pero de xuru que vas camentar
que foi tou un mitu.
si daveres nagües por afuxir,
nun lleas estes pallabres
(nun lleas pallabra dala).
cada pallabra ye un topónimu
magar que nun apaeza nos mapes,
cada pallabra
ye una remembranza de daquién
magar que nun t’alcuerdes
del so nome.
si daveres nagües por afuxir,
nun lleas estes pallabres,
porque del únicu llugar
del qu’enxamás afuxirás
ye de ti mesmu.
nun escaezas que namái yes
un puñáu de pallabres
(un puñáu
de solombres del pasáu).
we all are escaping
from somewhere.
some escape by the paths,
some by the air,
some by the sea…
this poem is a castaway
who has arrived to these beaches
(to these pages)
from Atlantis.
he could tell you wonderful things
about the place from where he has come,
but it is sure that you will think
that everything was a myth.
if you really want to escape,
don’t read these words
(don’t read any kind of word).
each word is a place name
even if it does not appear over the maps,
each word
is a reminder from someone
even if you cannot remember
his name.
if you really want to escape,
don’t read these words,
because the only place
from where you cannot to escape
is from yourself.
don’t forget that you are
just a fistful of words
(a fistful
of shadows from the past).

Xe M. Sánchez was born in 1970 in Grau (Asturies, Spain). He received his Ph.D in History from the University of Oviedo in 2016, he is anthropologist, and he also studied Tourism and three masters. He has published in Asturian language Escorzobeyos (2002), Les fueyes tresmanaes d’Enol Xivares (2003), Toponimia de la parroquia de Sobrefoz. Ponga (2006), Llué, esi mundu paralelu (2007), Les Erbíes del Diañu (E-book: 2013, Paperback: 2015), Cróniques de la Gandaya (E-book, 2013), El Cuadernu Prietu (2015), and several publications in journals and reviews in Asturies, USA, Portugal, France, Sweden, Scotland, Australia, South Africa, India, Italy, England, Canada, Reunion Island, China, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, Austria, Turkey and Singapore.