Tazeen Fatma

★ ★ ★ ★


Image by Alyssa Hurley

Do souls have a dress too?

No matter how long we live, we surely die. No matter how brave we pretend to be, we are all scared of death. How often in this scenario do we think of our leftover body after our soul has departed? Do we want it preserved or burnt or buried? Do we want our kafan to be white or shimmering gold? Do we want to be stored for longer or put to rest sooner rather than later. My grandmother I hear has her kafan rinsed in zamzam, the water from the holy well in mecca. Washed, rinsed and ironed.

Tazeen Fatma is an Engineer, Poet and dreamer from India. Her works have been previously published by sonicboom, underthebasho, prunejuice and tinywords among others


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