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i’ve only ever been cute in the summer
All my poems are about this
heat. Red blush, thin
burnt skin from too
long sitting in the sun. I
only am pretty looking
backwards, only see
brightness in my own
face from two years later.
I think I should learn
to forgive myself.
I think
I should learn to forgive
every pretty thing for
not being brighter. There
is no sun in my palms,
no wilted garden, fruit with
burnt skin that is also
blooming. The red behind
my eyes calls my bones
heat, names me summer,
suggests I just wait two
more years. Think of how
pretty I’ll remember me, then.

Mycah Miller is a Santa Cruz, CA-based queer poet, artist, and student, and was a member of the winning team of the 2018 Southwest Shootout. She currently attends SJSU as an English major. She creates art as an escape from and commentary on the outside world in a continuous attempt to both understand and connect with others. In her free time, she can be found drinking tea, riding her motorcycle(s), and working as the Director of Curriculum for the non-profit FirstRides. Her work has been featured by Vagabond City Lit, the Berkeley Poetry Slam, and Central Coast Poetry shows, among others. It is a protest, a love letter, and a canvas she has weaved herself thoroughly into. She can be contacted through her Facebook page “Mycah Miller Art,” Instagram @MycahMillerArt, or emailed at