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Image by Taisiia Shestopal
On those distant hills
they say there are scents
of roses and hyacinths
that dazzle the senses
dizzy the day
They say there are scents
of lilac so magical
they remain in the air
for a full season and
are carried away on the
skin and when lovers
touch fingers they
transmit spring
They say winter is on
their lips when they kiss
the first shiver of fall
is in their caress and
when they embrace
they hold each other
in the heat of their own
private summer
Today dozens of roses,
hyacinths and lilacs
made the journey
from the hills to
our arms and we
are drunk on the
scents of the seasons
we are each other’s
garden, always in
The River
I want to travel to
your land walk the
shores of your rivers
dive with the fish, wave
my arms at the cranes
as they dip their graceful
beaks to pick up what
is there below the surface:
nourishment, sustenance
that has come to them
from the deep thrown
onto the rocks by
wave and wind
I want to stand
with those cranes
and take what you offer
soft eyes, huge heart
i want to open my
wings and close my
arms around your gift
I want to travel to
your land and find
myself in the river
of you

Leslie Dianne is a poet, novelist, screenwriter, playwright and performer whose work has been acclaimed internationally in places such as the Harrogate Fringe Festival in Great Britain, The International Arts Festival in Tuscany, Italy and at La Mama in New York City. Her stage plays have been produced in NYC at The American Theater of Actors, The Raw Space, The Puerto Rican Traveling Theater and The Lamb’s Theater. She holds a BA in French Literature from CUNY and her poems have appeared in The Lake, Ghost City Review, The Literary Yard, About Place Journal and Kairos and are forthcoming in Hawai’i Review. Her poetry was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize.