Josephine LoRe

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Image by Yang Shuo

winter reverie

the sky heavy ‘round our shoulders today, a cloak
of unfallen snow and now warm in my home
I watch as flecks fill the globe

tomorrow, the tracks of deer
will have been filled, the crisscross of coyote
the spindly signs of crow

tonight under down
we can dream that first dream, that nameless scent
that unbroken hush of first winter

nighttime deer

snow reveals
the path of deer across my moonlit lawn
winter’s whispered secret

winter’s secret whispered
beneath the moon across my snowy lawn
the dreamy path of deer

you are a winter garden

buried in cold ground
dreaming of new life
beneath a crust of snow

deer pauses to chew on dogwood
magpie feasts on mountain ash
hare halts beneath overhung branches
safe within the saucer of this place

I sit in kitchen window
bathed in double-glaze
cup of tea in hand
because I know

you will emerge when snow melts to living water
shoot and stem and burgeon
unfurling calyx, orienting corolla, velvet soft
towards the radiance of the new sun

Josephine LoRe’s words have been read on stage and global zoom-rooms, put to music, danced, integrated into art, and published in eleven countries and four languages including FreeFall and Vallum in Canada, Tiny Seed and Fixed & Free in the US, Il Piccolo Museo della Poesia in Italy, Constellate in England, and The Same Page Anthology in Ireland. Josephine has two collections, Unity and the Calgary Herald Bestseller The Cowichan Series. She is a member of the League of Canadian Poets, the Writers’ Guild of Alberta and several online reading communities.  Poetry has been Josephine’s covid antidote. 


  1. Kate

    Josephine! Your words are as beautiful as you are!

    • Anonymous

      Thank you kindly!

  2. Anonymous

    Lovely poems and images!

    • Anonymous

      I appreciate this … thanks!


    Sounds good reads well feels fine


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