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Oxygen in Use
& so
Outside senior housing
Behind the filter
She asks:
Ain’t you cold—
Hey shoulder-hitter
No coat on your back?
My poor coat!
Finally got around
To tossing
Singed wool
Smothered in cinders
All too many
& no
I didn’t set those fires
& yes
My shirt buttons
Shaped from whitest
Human teeth
Don’t worry lady
(Grinning broadly)
They’re not mine

Jason O’Toole is an Andover, MA based poet and author of Spear of Stars (2018) and Soulless Heavens (2019) whose work has been described as “robustly American…like Kerouac and Whitman.” His poems have recently appeared in Nixes Mate Review, The Scriblerus, Saving Daylight, and a number of anthologies. He holds a BA from Eugene Lang College where he was mentored by poet Stanley Diamond, and an MBA from St. Joseph’s College of Maine. He performs and records spoken word with musicians Alec K. Redfearn, and Herr Lounge Corps.
- Read “Oxygen in Use” – SOULLESS HEAVENS - […] Oxygen in Use is in the FROZEN issue. […]
- Read “Oxygen in Use” at THE WILD WORD – SOULLESS HEAVENS - […] Read “Oxygen in Use” at THE WILD WORD […]
This guy makes you think!
Jason o’toole asked for nude picture of me after I made it clear to him I was 15 years old. Lock this predator up.
Definitely a pedophile. Watch this consumer.
He’s a violent troll-thug who threatens to kill random online people who disagree with him. Absolute emotional retard.
This guy soon to be wanted by the FBI for threatening to kill republicans. How say you @jasonotoolepoet?
Roses are red violets are blue
Go fuck your self
Dumb piece of shit go eat a shit bag sandwich and choke
OK motherfucker, you wanna threaten REAL Americans? Come look for me, I’m easy to find:
Larry Bowers, Dayton, Ohio
Eat a bag of dicks asshole. You want to threaten all Americans. I can’t wait until FBI, CIA and the Secret Service get ahold of you.
jasonotoolepoet Hey, #MAGA – let me be clear. Mess with queer kids, immigrants, Muslims, “blm,” the “left” or whoever you fear today, and you mess with me. I might not be the toughest guy in the world, but I’m undefeated in gunfights. Have you been put to that test?
You’ve hit paper at range or deer that don’t shoot back? That’s nice. Keep running your fuckin’ mouth and making threats. I’m more than capable of answering every single one of them, and there’s millions more old LEOs, vets, and normal fuckin’ Americans like me. Fascists ALWAYS lose.
This guy is fucking faggot who touches his children.
GFY ES&D you are the enemy of this country
Oops, meant to put that to the one above you