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Image by Mehdi
All about now
The yellow coin hanging on the window
is growing into fullness
No stars
Insects echoing shadows of trees
Cups are emptied
No one gets up for a refill
Our bodies covering each other
gardenias, jasmines and weeds
your hair, my skin
They conspire to make this moment
The cat is awake in the rattan chair, eyes closed
How can we waste this moment in slumber?
Unrepeatable, so familiar
The density of joy and sadness
when reaching completeness
Allow us to forget for a short moment
or suddenly recall
the little cracks in the moon
the undercurrents of quiet water

Sha Huang grew up in China and writes in Chinese and English. Her poems appeared in more than 30 literary journals and anthologies in China and the U.S, including Muddy River Poetry Review, Verse-Virtual, Trouvaille Review, The Wild Word, and Chinese and Western Poetry (中西诗歌). She has a bilingual poetry book October Fruit with the Milky Way Publishing (银河出版社) in China. Her work was rewarded the outstanding translated poem in the third Flush Poetry Festival.