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Image by Kelsey Johnson
Soft Geometry
someone’s gotta watch,
ill-qualified though I am,
these dusks and blue dawns
* * *
soft geometry
in fresh snow, clean for a while
a view of the heart
* * *
this dust on my floors
same as what buries cities
under more cities
Duru Gungor has a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and is a professor of English at Fanshawe College in Canada. In addition to literary translations and published artwork, her recent short stories appeared in Spadina Literary Review, Leviathan (the U.S.) and Fudoki Magazine (the U.K.). Along with literary fiction, she also dabbles in aikido and ink wash painting, and she enjoys exploring their points of convergence. For her full author’s profile, please visit durugungor15.wixsite.com/durugungor
Heart soothing lines
Beautifully said.
lines devoted to the seven-hill city which cradles all the dearest ones, both alive and “”ceased to be.”