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By Ohrkid

The planet Venus looks like Earth, only burning with red, consuming heat. With world leaders like T***p in the driver’s seat, Earth could soon be burning like its twin. For many, it is more accurate to say it’s already on fire. Whether this reality is external, internal, or both, earthlings are responding to the ongoing reign of patriarchy with shaking fists, heads tossed back, barbaric yawps flung out from parched, insistent lungs. Hair burning, witches and muggles alike shiver with the intensity of what needs to change. The collective’s eyes are rolling in response to absurd abuses of power, and as our incensed gaze turns inward towards our third eyes, we’re seeing clearer than ever before visions of a new future.

Venus is benevolent co-creator of our new world, transformed (and transforming) by fire. Trans* folks, GNC people, women and men are realizing that Earth is literally our common ground. We all have equally vested interest in its healing; we all have equal power and responsibility to heal it. If we can be saved, it will require continually redefining power outside of white cis hetero maleness. With love, eroticism, connection, relationship, fairness, groundedness, steadfastness, and expansive inclusivity, the revolution burns. In us, and through us.

As a queer GNC artist, I use my voice, my words, my song, and my very dreams, to practice radical vulnerability and be the change I wish to see in the world. As The Wild Word’s Artist-in-Residence, I allow myself to be visible, audible, legible, and felt, in a world where my community’s stories are often erased and forgotten. As Audre Lorde, legendary feminist* scholar wrote, “I feel, therefore I can be free.”

Note on the texts: the dream manuscripts I share are transcribed, except for small adjustments, exactly as they were written in my dream journal in the moments after dreaming.

Ohrkid is a musician, doula, and writer based in Berlin. They released their debut album, PDA, in January.

“Ohrkid’s voice is moving, not because of its force but because of its ease. We’re meant to listen to them sing.” – Hysteria Magazine

“Have you been looking for a dreamy, erotic escape to shamelessly blast in your room this spring?…In just five songs, PDA sets a mood full of dreamy soundscapes painted with reflections of pleasure, disgust, lust, and longing.” – BasedBrat


Photos and video by Jo Eisley –


swimming with the killer
whale. (black + white)
it immediately finds me
and is dancing with me.
I relax completely as the
thrill of fear runs through
my body.
it nips me a few times.
I fear it will eat me.
but I am so proud it
chose me

showing off.

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