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Image by Ashling McKeever
Sunny Season
It was the months of heat that
made them act like animals.
Even the chivalrous offer of a cup of water
could not quell or quench.
There was an embrace of whispers
at the front door,
an exchange of the intimate words ‘you should get going.’
And the visitor eyed a moth
hovering around the porch lights in a destructive manner.
There was another whisper, but no embrace,
the swinging of a screen door,
the starting of an engine,
and car headlights being swallowed up
by summer’s night.

Tonya Eberhard recently graduated from the University of Missouri. Her work has appeared in Fauna Quarterly, The Commonline Journal, The Gambler Mag, Creative Talents Unleashed, Algebra of Owls, Dirty Chai, and many others. She lives in Minnesota.