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Watching Wondered Thoughts Walk Off
Watching wondered thoughts walk off,
while time counts out steps.
Black day shuns reality,
pushing back the storm.
Candlelit staircase climbs to hell.
Do we know the way?
I have been there many times,
following the wanderer,
as he sinks below the depths.
Swallowed by a sea of carnage,
struggles do prevail.
Words once lived,
fed by thoughts,
as red once ruled the day.
Wasps swarm to block out inspiration,
engulfing every attempt.
We regroup to recapture sullen lives,
rewriting them anew.
Summer’s Fallen Memories
The peach trees were in bloom again.
Sweetness dripping like love’s first kiss.
Sunlit eyes smiled past the dawn,
as we walked on summer’s path.
Times past were strewn upon
a ground of overripe memories.
A longing well past its prime.
We knew better then,
but did not heed the raven’s warning.
White to pink to brown,
we discolor and shrivel to dust.
Winged hope flies overhead out of reach,
as peach blossom petals snow softly to earth.
The Answer to the Question
And if you look upon the shelf,
you will find the answer,
written within pages
of other people’s lives.
Among musty old volumes
of past wisdom.
Between carefully written
words of poets and sages.
Where stories meet imagination,
and blend with the truth.
So many lives condensed
within each printed work.
The answers of the universe
unfolds neatly at your touch.
Treasures abound
only a reach away.

Ann Christine Tabaka was nominated for the 2017 Pushcart Prize in Poetry. She is the winner of Spillwords Press 2020 Publication of the Year (Poetic), has been internationally published, and won poetry awards from numerous publications. She is the author of 10 poetry books. She has recently been published in several micro-fiction anthologies and short story publications. Christine lives in Delaware, USA. She loves gardening and cooking. Chris lives with her husband and three cats. Her most recent credits are: The American Writers Review; The Phoenix; Burningword Literary Journal; Muddy River Poetry Review; The Write Connection; Ethos Literary Journal, North of Oxford, Pomona Valley Review, Page & Spine, West Texas Literary Review, The Hungry Chimera, Sheila-Na-Gig, Foliate Oak Review, The Stray Branch, The McKinley Review, Fourth & Sycamore.
Beautiful, thought provoking poetry as always.