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Her untamed rancor and humor laced with vitriol
at other’s expense, made her a popular dinner guest
with all her former lovers miscast as impotent swans
she’d happily drown collectively or alone by the sea.
Where her end was a smear between weather accounts
on that day’s news, the reporter almost as emotionless
as she dazed , drunk and clutching a morass of pills
the image I have when my mind’s eye clicks to shut
any truths or cogent facts when only ifs are literal.
No one saw her end, though she left puzzling notes
jangling poems of snark—she dared us to complete
a map to find her among fauna and skeleton keys
I still swim in that beach, once or twice I’ve felt
her cold fingers on my spine pushing me under.

Rp Verlaine lives and writes in New York City. He has two volumes of poetry – Damaged by Dames & Drinking (2017) and Femme Fatales: Movie Starlets & Rockers (2018). He also has a set of three ebooks—Lies From The Autobiography vol 1 (2018), Vol 2 (2019) and Vol 3 (2020). His poetry has appeared in wide range of journals including Atlas Poetica, The Linnet’s Wings, Haikuniverse, Stardust Haiku, The Local Train, Proletaria, Last Stanza Poetry. Scryptic, Humankind Journal, Fractured Haiku, Under The Basho, Poetry Pea, Fiddles and Scribbles, Heart of Flesh, Plum Tree Tavern, Fresh Out Magazine, Ugly Writers, Prune Juice, Incense Dreams, Best Poetry, Blazevox, Pikers Press, Bleached-Butterfly, Poems’ bout Love & Hate anthology.
this moved me so……..
Read your poems on GAS this evening. I enjoyed them.
Read your poems on GAS this evening. I enjoyed them.
I am the previous anonymous.