Lynn tait
★ ★ ★ ★

Image by Anton Darius
I. – Donna
Your hell yeah, I’m here walk,
bounced down the classroom aisle and into my heart.
Laughter I thought I’d lost to violence
and a cage of secrets slams into me again.
We saved each other,
singing our way past impossible pressures of grownups
using us to calm a need for control.
50 years later we are still musical instruments:
electric, acoustic, metal and wood,
cymbals we shake with angry joy,
a dry red wine—we pour ourselves out with fruitful abandon,
and end with a spice finish, a clean palette.
We are food for each other
and taste salty-sweet, medium rare,
flavors that spill into sunlit cracks,
seep and settle into song.
Our dance—never stops.
II. – Lynn
Hummingbirds and butterflies send me messages
direct deliveries from you.
Sometimes you’re an island appearing out of nowhere.
You give back what you take: a light toss of tobacco,
gifts, hand-crafted, meals on antique plates, Spanish wine.
We are hats, curious objects and found rocks,
a rush of water, air and fire.
You are sea glass. I am shell
carrying your love roar inside me.
Our river waters laugh, our ocean sands
settle into hand-carved bowls.
I am bluestem. You are sweetgrass.
We are oak and willow,
forest paths leading to bird song and wildflowers.
You send me spirit animals.
Bear and fox enter my dreams.
I’m not afraid.

Lynn Tait is an award-winning poet/photographer residing in Sarnia, Ontario. Her poems have appeared in FreeFall, Vallum, CV2, Literary Review of Canada, Trinity Review, The Quarantine Review and in over 100 anthologies. She is a member of the Ontario Poetry Society and the League of Canadian Poets.
Beautiful !
Love this description of friends. So beautiful in their gift to you and how you captured their true selves!