★ ★ ★ ★

Celluloid & Innocence Lost
As brown celluloid
daguerreotypes erode,
famous girls high-five
innocents Instagram
jeweled kittens,
lovely mammaries,
nesting ovaries, while
obscenely opulent posers
post perfectly quaint,
queen bees rocking
rusting sterling tiaras,
trussed undergarments in
velvet and voile,
waistlines wasting away as
over-extended and
over-exposed GenXers
yield youth’s
zipped zygotes.

Kathleen A. Lawrence has been published in Rattle’s Poets Respond, Eye to the Telescope, Scryptic, and Silver Birch Press. Recently two of her poems were nominated for 2017 Best of the Net awards, as well as another for the Rhysling Award from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA). In 2016 she was a prize-winner in the SFPA poetry contest for “Even Happy Ghosts are Scary When You’re Seven.”