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Bird at God’s Window
(God’s Window, Blyde River Canyon South Africa, 2018)
High above the clouds on a twisted acacia tree, alert
a bird listens over the chasm
in deepest misty greens, beats its rainbow wings —
beak bent like a bow resounds a warning
and my heart, its tune the shape of a loss pulsing
drums a dirge-rhythm, that strides the stony path
with its own season in the sullen sorrow dark
where the bird’s syllables now echo
quietly over a leafy spray of white, appeases
the passing of the heart of light

JOHN DI LEONARDO is a Canadian visual artist/poet. He has published two award-winning chapbooks; Book of Hours (2014), and Starry Nights (2015). He is the recipient of The Ted Plantos Memorial Award (2017). John’s debut collection of ekphrastic poetry Conditions of Desire was published by Hidden Brook Press, 2018. John is a member of the League of Canadian Poets. He writes and paints in Brooklin Ontario, Canada. You can visit him at