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Kiss the soft rosy-cheeked man.
Shrink the woman to fit the clothes.
An apple dropped into a paper bag
becomes a piece of rotting fruit.
The road with its loneliness forsaken
by study hermetic resolution
as forest yields way to homestead
with sharpened stone axes.
Beneath a lion’s mane of hair
on naked fallow ground rests
the back—smooth and sloped,
eyes that look to set things right.

Janette Schafer is a freelance writer living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is a 2017 awardee of the Maenad Fellowship in writing through Chatham University and a 2015 awardee of the Arts MODE Fellowship in experimental theater through New Sun Rising LLC. Recent and upcoming publications include: (b)oink Magazine; Nasty Women & Bad Hombres Anthology; Chatham University broadsides; PublicSource; Calamus Journal.