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Image by Martin Lopez

[poem whispered to the loved one

if i could secret you
in my skin,

if i could show you
how i fly with ravens,

if i could convince you
the thousand years
we’re tied to stone
is but a moment,

if i could make it clear
all shackles dissolve
with the proximity of just one
thimble-sized angel,

i’d trace the tattoo you wear
beneath your skin
that assures, you too
(perhaps most of all),
are chosen.]

Erin Wilson’s poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in The Shore, Crab Creek Review, The South Carolina Review, CV2, Salamander Magazine, The Inflectionist Review, and in numerous other publications and anthologies internationally. Her first collection is At Home with Disquiet. She lives and writes in a small town in northern Ontario, Canada.



  1. Circling Rivers, January 2022 - […] | “Hearth,” at Poetry Scotland | ”[poem whispered to the loved one]” with audio, at The Wild Word |…

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