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Image by Claudio Cesaro
Words in a Night Jar
I pray to the dwindling fire, take my tea with cream & grief
How cold my cheeks still are.
How round the snow thrush on the back deck.
I remember the sticky-face child, who always took too much jam.
She is still here with me. I broke, then remade her.
The sparrow is here too. Outside the kitchen window,
He visits me with wings dipped sweet in wild air —
Words in a Nightjar

Elizabeth Mercurio earned an MFA in poetry from The Solstice Low-Residency Program of Pine Manor College. Her work has appeared in Third Point Press, Philadelphia Stories, The Skinny Poetry Journal, The Literary Nest, Fledgling Rag, Martin Lake Journal, Poems2go, and the Lily Poetry Review. She was nominated for a Best of the Net nomination and was the 2016 recipient of The Sharon Olds Fellowship for Poetry. Her chapbook, Doll is currently available from Lily Poetry Review Books.