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If you want me,
you can find me peddling
fragments of my glittering soul
like wares on the street.
In each approach there is a plea
for courage and acceptance;
each rejection, harsh or kind,
burns through to the bone.
I must become harder.
I grow calluses over my flesh
where the fragments used to dwell,
but still they do not sell,
and now my soul has a different shape.
The pieces tinkling in my pocket
came from a home undamaged,
so pure and harmless and sweet –
they no longer fit.
I could not put them back now even if I wanted,
and they are still worthless to you,
and I can sympathize;
they’re worthless to me, too.

Amy Roberts is an artist, a literary enthusiast, and a true dreamer. Her unwavering love of stories drives her work in poetry, photography, and handcrafts ( She lives on three acres with her husband near Nashville, Tennessee, where they both contribute to their hometown’s creative community. When she’s not dreaming, Amy volunteers for her local arts advocacy group, restores her 1961 farmhouse, and refines her recipe for avocado toast.

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