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Video by Kusi Okamura
Go play outside, run with the boys but don’t play kiss chase. Play mummies and daddies, but not doctors and nurses. Speak up now, don’t be shy. Be nice, be quiet, hush now, don’t you ever stop talking? Wear a pretty dress, give your dolly a bottle, oh isn’t she cute? Don’t worry about your looks, brush your hair, scrub your nails. Stop playing in the dirt.
Girls can be scientists too. You can be whatever you want to be. Don’t you want to know how to cook? Take your purse to the toilet so no one sees your tampon. Don’t talk about cramps in front of your father. Embrace being a woman! Shorts are not ladylike. Sports are not ladylike. Buy a good deodorant. Don’t wear too much make-up. Don’t be such a tomboy.
Eat healthy. Treat yourself, you deserve it! Eat a sandwich, why don’t you? Don’t put that crap in your mouth. Love your body. Show off your curves. Shave it, wax it, starve it. Lose weight. Put on some muscle. Dress how you want. Only wear something that flatters your body shape. Cover up that midriff, it’s too sexy. Cover up that midriff, it’s not sexy enough.
Go on the pill, just in case. Don’t let him touch you. Don’t touch yourself. Make sure you flirt. Don’t lead him on. Give him what he wants or he won’t like you. Don’t desire. Be desirable. Don’t chase after boys. Don’t chase after girls. Always use a condom. Don’t get pregnant. Don’t have an abortion. Don’t have sex until you’re ready. Don’t have sex. Be sexy.
Always be aware of your surroundings. Carry your car keys in your hand. Don’t get drunk. Don’t lose control. Take back the night! Don’t slut shame. Don’t be a slut. Never have sex on the first date. Don’t be so frigid. Play hard to get. Have sex when he wants it. Be his best friend. Don’t friendzone him. Don’t be such a stuck-up bitch. Get a sense of humour, why don’t you? Learn how to take a joke!
Kiss other women to turn guys on. Don’t get turned on by other women. Don’t be a lesbian, or transsexual, or bi-sexual. Embrace your sexuality. Own your identity. Live your femininity!
Don’t shout. Don’t get emotional. Do you have to be so cold all the time? Get in touch with your inner self. Think about his feelings. Would it hurt you to smile? Try harder. Don’t cry. Express yourself!
Take pre-natal vitamins to prepare your body. Don’t smoke, don’t drink. Don’t worry so much! Have an epidural. Have a natural birth. Make a birth plan. Just let us do our job. Use a stretch-mark cream. Be a natural woman. Don’t eat for two. Breastfeed exclusively, bottle feed if you want to, pump if you can, don’t get your tits out in public. Get baby on a routine, don’t let him cry it out, don’t let him nurse to sleep, do whatever feels right, trust your instincts! Start solids at 3 months, at 4 months, at 6 months, at 3 months. Breastfeed for the 1st year, for the first 2 years, get back to work as soon as possible. Send her to daycare, keep him at home as long as you can—just enjoy it while they’re little! Smile, savor it, speak to your doctor if you feel depressed.
Lean in. Be in the boy’s club. Act like a lady, think like a man. Be the boss. Don’t be bossy. Dress tight enough to show you’re a woman and loose enough to prove you’re a lady. Break the glass ceiling! Don’t ask questions. Don’t ask. Don’t question. Don’t be so aggressive. Don’t raise your voice. Give me your opinion when I ask for it.
Buy anti-wrinkle cream. Perfect the natural look. Set a good example for your daughter. Don’t talk about your sex life. Age gracefully. Try Botox. Look good for your age. Don’t age. Have the confidence to ask for what you want. Live a simple life.
Smile. Smile until your cheeks ache.

This is a great piece in time for International Women’s Day. Congratulations! Can I share? Thanks in advance
What an amazing post linked to the International Women’s Day! It’s a great reminder for all of us! Love how you said ‘Treat yourself, you deserve it’ because sometimes we forget about self care. Let’s smile and live our femininity!
I love this. Society places so many contradicting expectations on us! I run a blog for women in college and am definitely sharing this on the facebook and twitter pages! Well done!
Thanks for sharing it Sheree – glad you enjoyed it.
It’s so confusing, right? There are many rules for being a woman. The society is setting a standard, rules, do’s and dont’s. I experienced physical, emotional, sexual abuse when I was young, and guess what? People are telling me It was my fault.
It depends; social science is a complex matter. Thanks for a nice post.
This! This is absolutely everything! All thise contradictions are a woman’s truth. Back and forth and all the do’s and do not’s. This is truly a powerful and beautiful peice!
Thanks for commenting Laneic. Glad you liked the piece.
I don’t believe in rules and I don’t think that was society considers a norm should force women to believe in them. A true woman should believe in herself and do exactly what she likes and what she feels comfortable with. Society still sees woman as inferior to man and that’s why statements like “don’t ask questions” or “don’t question”. There should be no rules.
Great post! Love your point of view. Haha smile until your cheeks ache. That’s the spirit! Love it.
The blog post is so true that I found myself remembering many of the rules you mentioned here. The society, our parents, friends, and in the end ourselves expect too much of being a woman, a lady, a girl. Can’t we just be who we are? Can’t we just play sports, wear what we want, behave in accordance with our personality? Until we achieve that, we are not equal with men, unfortunately.
Nor are we equal with ourselves. Judgements abound. Advice given. Why did you put yourself in that position. What were you wearing. Well, you must have said sonething; nobody just does something like that. Be Brave, use your voice, it’s there for a reason. maybe its best to let this one slide. Let it go. Don’t give up; fight; seek justice. Tell your story. Enoughwith the storytelling; you’re only staying in the lori emperor……………
Wahwahwahwah……. it’s tedious.
What a wonderful post. There are so many rules, but rules were meant to be broken. Your final rule struck a real chord in me– Smile. Smile until your cheeks ache. I love it!
And you mother’s advice: “Don’t be like me.”
Beautiful post!
Wow love this piece. Double standards huh?
Thank you for sharing these amazing points. I’ve learn a lot and yes it is lovely being a woman. And I am greatful!
I also belive in this sayings.. “women looks weak, but mothers are strong.” And a woman is a man’s worst enemy.
Happy International Womens Month!
It’s so confusing sometimes to be a woman. Everyone expects something different from you and while you are convinced you should please everyone, you are also being told that the only person you should be pleasing is yourself. I think we all know, which things is the right thing :p
I LOVE the way your wrote this! It’s sad that almost every woman has to hear all of this or at least something in her life. The rules of being a woman. Sad!
I always believe in ‘My life my rules’. A woman doesn’t need to obey society’s rules.
I am speechless and I love love love this!!
I played in the dirt, all I get from this is that women can do what men can do but they aren’t supposed to act like them, not true.