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The rain brings love
I see the trees swaying
in the nostalgic wind.
I can smell the perfume
of contentment as it
rains heavily outside.
I see water everywhere.
The rain reminds me
how the romance in his
mesmerizing words vaporize
and diffuse through my room.

Sravani Singampalli is a published writer and poet from India. Her works have appeared in Scarlet Leaf Review, Spillwords press, Criterion journal, Setu bilingual journal, Whispers, Labyrinthine Passages journal, The Blue Nib, Night Garden Journal and many others. Her poems are also forthcoming in Leaves of Ink, Kitaab, Formercactus, Gone Lawn journal, Vox Poetica, The Pangolin Review, The stray Branch and elsewhere. She is presently pursuing a doctorate in pharmacy at JNTU KAKINADA university in Andhra Pradesh,India.

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