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I am not a dream
I am flesh,
anchored to the ground
I am capable of flying
in a moment
in the darkness
in the light, I am
not high on a pedestal
not shrouded in romantic haze
not intangible, I am not a dream
but should I enter your mind as one, I
would have more power,
for dreams create true substance
realised, I am brilliant,
constant, I am declared
open in your heart
press your ear to hear my pulse
lay your soul upon my palm
I am a cradle
rocking gentle, I am beside
inside you always
watching breathe with the sky above
Nocturnal Emission
the slight sound disturbance
a batting pop
in the bedroom
is what in retrospect,
I ignored
but when you, dazzling Fledermaus,
in my 150 watt lit work room
the recall light goes on,
you have come in
as a phantom
through one of the top small windows
a sonic miracle
like the 36 minute
slowed down version of Kate Bush singing Wuthering Heights
your body pirouettes in agile rounds
of sight-limited spaces
like Cathy tapping you must
be by habitat in a different room
with dimmer lamps
so go
back outside my window
to your universe
singing echo songs from the courtyard
at frequencies
with your mate of like kind,
who is waiting for you there
unheard by my human ears

Photo by Kate Seabrook
Sandra Sarala (Berlin; New Zealand) is a singing poet, actor, journalist, editor, permaculturist, and bookmaker. From 2004-08 she was one of the co-founding members of ensemble Polynushka, whose CD won the September 2008 Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik for folklore music. Between 2011-12 she curated and MCed the multi-disciplinary series Berlin COMPASS. She publishes intermittently at about culture and the environment, and has collaborated since 2013 with musician Francesco Costa as Songs of Steel/Under Glicine, including a recent site-specific iteration of her evolving project, Looking for Lago di Lecco – which explores migration, love, and friendship – in a public garden in Trieste.
Her poetry has won awards in New Zealand, Australia, Germany and online, and has been published in journals including Side Stream, Poems4Peace 2014 and Percutio. As a solo artist she creates personal and intimate performance food for the soul using sung and spoken words.

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