★ ★ ★ ★

Because of Snow
If it hadn’t snowed last night
we’d have gone to see a movie,
but because the ground was white
and the air,
and the moon obscured,
we stayed in and drank
only a little
and watched each other’s
reactions to what we
were proposing.
If you had not said what you did
about coming to see me
again next month
and staying to see all
the sights of spring,
of which there are none in this grey town,
I would have gone straight to sleep,
but you said I was all the
sight you needed.
If we hadn’t awakened this morning
on the same side of the bed,
it would have been fine,
but if I could book a train to that unseen moon,
I would not be more surprised than by the journey
we took last night
because of snow.

Marsha Foss, a retired educator, spends her time between her two favorite states, Maryland and Minnesota. When in St. Paul, she enjoys being connected to the area’s vibrant writing community. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, and she has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. An added joy is living near two young grandsons.

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