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Image by Yurii Stupen
For Eleanor Kedney
When you tire of love,
give up the giving –
Things end, come and go, episodes of faith.
The creaking cat curls on the couch
by your side throughout the afternoon.
She’s warm, content, safe. You must rise.
The afternoon cannot last forever,
gives way to evening
as you feel the slip of your will.
Something else has come up, insistent
on attention.
Your feelings haven’t changed.
Yet you rise, pet her one more time
as she trills and breathes.
Your ankles creek as you step away,
her eyes closing.

Jeff Santosuosso is a business consultant and award-winning poet living in Pensacola, FL. His chap book, “Body of Water,” is available through Clare Songbirds Publishing House. He is Editor-in-Chief of, an online journal of poetry and short prose. Jeff’s work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and has appeared in The Comstock Review, San Pedro River Review, South Florida Poetry Journal, The Blue Nib, Mojave River Review, The Lake (UK), Red Fez, Texas Poetry Calendar, Avocet, Pif, and other online and print publications.
Thank you, Jeff. Very nice and hits some chords.
Beautifully written and wonderfully read!