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Image by Scott Evans
An Inch or So of Time
A sundial 1823
He times everything. Measures everything.
Like Pushkin, he ties a string around his wife’s waist.
That hot Monday night he walks her back
they walk back two blocks.
264 feet
covers everything that will ever happen to them.
He times how slowly
she dresses for the concert/work/ dinner with his parents
times how fast their son can ride a bike
times her contractions
times how long he can hold his breath in the cold lake
times how long he waited in that restaurant which was really a bar
times the epic migration of birds—
thousands of miles of marriage without stopping—
knowing their way back to the beginning.
A Waltz
The first year
our infidelity is the size of a cranberry.
His fingertips pruned with a stranger’s red.
My heart expands rocking me back.
paper, clock, mother of pearl
The fifth year
our infidelity is the size of a baked potato.
I rub lavender into my neck, behind my ears.
He makes strange train sounds in his sleep.
wood, silverware, sapphire
The seventh year
our infidelity is the size of one of those balls
people sit on instead of a chair.
The office is where we met infidelity.
wool, stationery, onyx
The tenth year
our infidelity is the size of an average human.
Infidelity makes us sleep on the couch
makes us walk sideways down the hall
makes us use the same toothbrush
makes us have sex standing up
next to the kitchen window
near the heating vent.
A tin angel hangs above the stove.
We bought her in Mexico. Hammered holes shine
like diamonds. Her wings flower-yellow.
tin, diamonds, daffodils
Buffy Shutt is former marketing executive for movies and documentaries. She lives in Los Angeles. A two-time Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee, her work appears in Anthropocene, Paper Dragon, Sonic Boom, Door is a Jar, Dodging the Rain, Split Lip Magazine, among others. She has published two novels and her first poetry collection, Recruit to Deny will be published in late 2024. Currently, she is collaborating with younger artists on a work of eco-feminism.
These are wonderful! -Marlen
These are both Haiku and prose… a wonderful style of what is essential in story-telling. Beautiful.
thank you