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Dictionary Hill
When I read Joey Comeau books
I picture every woman
as you.
Same moss green eyes –
deep set in large hollows.
Same squared off nose.
Same recklessly swelling hips.
And I want our life
to be his characters’ lives.
All full of loud and moving things.
Jet engines and razor blades.
Garter belts.
Sand storms and avalanches.
Blood stains.
I want our life to be a hidden tunnel
locked behind the fireplace,
dark and musty
and overloaded with promise.
I want our life
to be sitting on a skateboard,
straddling each other
down the steepest hill in the neighborhood –
no pads
and the wind kissing your temples
through close cut hair.
And I want it so bad
that I can feel it pulsing
like a lighthouse
in the back of my knees.
Reminding me,
we don’t have a life –
just lives.
Yours constantly shifting,
and mine
sounding a horn to sea.
The Universe
“It whirls, it whirls.”
– Alexander Calder
We laid ourselves out in a Kansas field,
counting the blinking lights
of passing airliners,
searching for the steady slide
of satellites circling the sky –
the two of us alone
in the unbroken summer night.
The last thing I should have done
was stand up, walk to the car,
put the key
in the ignition.
I read once
that though the universe is real,
it must be imagined
to be reproduced.
I think of you now
as you must be –
flooded in sunlight on a front porch,
iced tea in hand and the horizon
closing its orbit around you
– but picture you then,
illuminated by starlight,
dancing to Creedence Clearwater
playing on my car radio,
skirt spreading forth like Saturn’s rings,
spinning like a compass in the arctic,
spinning like a Bon Jovi vinyl,
needle hugging the grooves.

Branden Boynton is earning his MFA in creative writing at San Diego State University, where he acts as the submissions manager for Poetry International. He has served as an editor for The B-Side Journal and The Magee Park Poets Anthology. Branden believes in writing as both catharsis and as a creation of truth. He writes to where he feels at home: the stars, sky, and ocean, desert-scapes, Disneyland, California highways, concert venues, and conifer trees.