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Lummi Island, August
Beyond the water, more water.
Islands breach, rise out of the sound.
Beyond the islands, ocean meets
the edge of what we see.
I wake to the smell of blackberries
and salt, the talk of too many birds
to name on one morning.
Weather breaks in the west,
a ribbon of blue. The sea runs deep
and cold, salmon streaming by Legoe Bay,
the engine burr when calm
is scrawled by white wakes, when planes
write across the flat clouds and fade.
I will send out my prayer to the cedars
and firs. I will call to these whales
that are not whales and listen.
Year after year we’ll ferry back
to stand on this hill and look out
over the sound gray-glinting
under the sun stepping down the sky,
the light dry on our skin
where margins loosen
between our blood and the wide air,
blur in the permeable world.
Evening Lies Down in the Grass
Our past spun as fine
as spider silk strung
from lilac to musk rose—
the last white blooms cling
to bluer air, the sky
a shell forgotten
in the sand, hour before
dusk drops its sleeves.
In clover we grow old
while the yard becomes
a meadow’s fierce abundance
and ask that life stop
for one breath held
like a photograph
snared in mid-summer,
these mutable days
leaning toward winter’s dark,
its early flourish of stars.
Blur and float, heat tricks
and tires the eye, blotches
in this blue and violet air,
is it our dead reflected,
swimming like jellyfish,
a bloom just out of reach?
Here the tide hovers
above wires humming
where lost ones linger
down to gravel shoulders,
to cheatgrass hollowed gold,
dusk silvering the sky
and this road hard north
toward that smudge of oak,
the wind a hand in my hair
under these attendants
unspoken, unnamed,
the wishes, the fish,
the ones who got away,
or is it our own selves
drifting, landing,
our living all around?

Joannie Stangeland is the author of In Both Hands and Into the Rumored Spring from Ravenna Press, and three chapbooks. Her poems have also appeared in Prairie Schooner, Cimarron Review, The Southern Review, and other journals.