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Image by J. Lee
There it is
There it is, the light,
crescent, and the one made
lesser only by the distance
between us, the coincidence
of one orbit and another;
keeping harmony in the vacuum
in which there is no song,
no chorus to mark the coming
day. The mist rolls in the
valley. You would call it
primordial, if not for the
rumble of the traffic waking,
too busy to catch the sight
that was, and is, and will be,
forgetful of the transient space,
the infinity of sky under which
a creature crouches, breaking
the ancestor bones to eat.
Marking the passing, seeking, too.

J.M. Summers was born and still lives in South Wales. Previous publication credits include Another Country from Gomer Press and New Feathers. The former editor of a number of small press magazines, he has published one book, Niamh, a collection of prose and poetry.